Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Usability Testing Basics - Part 1

What is Usability Testing?

Usability testing is a nonfunctional testing technique (black-box testing) where we can find errors and areas of enhancement by observe the results we have collected during the test. In other words, Usability testing is a method for ensuring that the actual users of the system can carry out their tasks efficiently, effectively and satisfactorily. This should be a regular practice during the software design and development life-cycle.

Furthermore, moderated usability testing is targeting four areas where we need to concentrate during the test: System Performance, System Accuracy, User emotional response and Recall.

System Performance – How the system is behaves when doing the intended task. How is the system response time? How many steps we need to do our job, etc.

System Accuracy – Is there any misleading information. How many errors identified during the test? Is there enough validations and recovery information.

User emotional response – How is the user gut feeling after finish the task. Is this user friendly? Is the user confident enough about the system or stressed out.

Recall – Are the system functions remembered to user after some time (non-use)

Two scenarios for usability testing

As a software product seller – In this case if you are applying usability testing means you are evaluating the design of your application. According to the test results of the beta users, you can get an idea of the UI guidelines / Usability guidelines you are following inside the company and how to improve it before the final release.

 As a software product seller buyer – Usability testing for the product you are going to buy means that you are evaluating the product suitability for your employees. Before company spends money on that product, they need to ensure that this product should work in a way that the employees can do their jobs efficiently and effectively.

Some Usability Testing Aspects

1.    Navigation issues – This is one of the most important parts of the web site design. Better to use most common navigation mechanisms such as tabs, menus, etc. No matter what mechanism you use, it should be consistent across your web site to be able to find those elements easily. Try to keep the user experience inconsistent and search for key elements every time will lead to frustrate your customers and leave the site.

2.    Browser related issues – Most of the browsers render the site according to its technology and will not be a common one. So then, you see your site as expected doesn’t mean everyone does. If your site is not according to the UI it should display and if your CSS is not working correctly then definitely you will limit your audience radically and creating a bad image.

3.     Information issues – Presenting necessary information is a vital thing in web site design. Writing a meaningful description/tag line in some ware prominent will help to understand what it does within a few seconds. And the information should be relevant, user friendly to grab the customer’s attention.

4.    Search facilities – It’s very important to use search facility in today’s sites. Most web users are using search as their main navigation mechanism.  If your site does not have this facility or it doesn’t work as it should, users won’t be playing around your site and they will go for another one.

5.    Performance issues - Most users like to have a fast websites, if you are not paying attention to this then you are going to lose a lot of potential customers / visitors. Remember that after 6~7 seconds, most of the users will leave the site.

6.    Colors – This is another vital point. Site (Links, Fonts, Tags, images) colors should be according to the theme of your company, product that you are going to publish and it should eye-catching. We need to consider normal users as well as the special people like color blind etc.

Usability Testing Categories

We can categorize usability testing on what kind of tools + techniques we are going to use. It is as follows:

1.     Testing based on the results which generated by tools – In this category, we are talking about the tools which we can use to test the performance without interact with real users or no anonymous user data.

2.     Testing based on the anonymous user data which collected by tools – We are manly targeting the click trackers and analytics tools. Main task of these tools are to collect anonymous user data from various destinations in the world.

3.     Testing based on the real user participation – This category is the most suitable and complex type of test. We are collecting data when users are actually doing the test as well as the users feedbacks. For this purpose, we can use Moderated, Un-moderated tools (standalone or web based) and feedback collectors.

Next time (in Part 2), I’ll explain what the hierarchy of these tools and what are the Moderated, Un-moderated techniques and related tools.